
Tablet Defect Technology Symposium

Tablet Defect Technology Symposium

Techceuticals hosted a Tablet Defect Technology Symposium in Cleveland, OH.


On May 21 and 22, 2013, Techceuticals hosted a Tablet Defect Technology Symposium in Cleveland, OH. Sponsored by Pfizer, Federal Equipment, and Contract Pharma, the goal of the symposium was to define tablet defects, establish their root causes and build a resolution handbook to solve them.

The symposium featured a panel of speakers from Fette Compacting America, Glatt Air Techniques, IMA Active, KORSCH America, Natoli Engineering and Techceuticals. Nearly 100 people attended the event, representing companies across the spectrum, both branded and generic pharmas, nutraceuticals and consumer health companies, and more.

For more information on the Tablet Defect Technology Symposium, contact Mike Tousey at
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