Contract Service Directory

Sentry BioPharma Services, Inc. (Sentry US)

Company Headquarters

4605 Decatur Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46241
United States

Company Description

Sentry BioPharma Services protects product SISPQ through pharmaceutical services: cGMP temperature-controlled storage (including CS III-V), global distribution, labeling, secondary packaging and import/export optimization. Sentry's long history, validated systems and stringent quality standards support this objective throughout the pharmaceutical supply chain. Sentry’s strategic location within the IND Foreign Trade Zone, allows product from OUS to be received directly and held at temperature, pending approval for importation from the FDA, CBP, USDA and DEA. Sentry is VAWD accredited, licensed in all US states and inspected by numerous international authorities including the PMDA and EMA.

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